Our heart beats for the mobility transition. We do everything we can to turn electromobile companies into successful ones. With a deep understanding of the brand and many years of industry knowledge.

We burn for non-burners

We don’t know whether electromobility is the mobility of tomorrow.
For us, it is the mobility of today.
It meets a need that has great urgency.
Electromobility is available today and now works so well that we even use it to drive over the Brenner Pass on our winter vacation, no ifs, ands or buts.

Driven by this passion, we develop sound brand strategies for electric mobility companies in a complex market environment and design impressive Brand design that convinces aesthetically and in terms of content.
CHIARI also creates physical as well as virtual brand experiences and ensures
with inspiring communication campaigns for your sustainable market success.

Frau schließt ihr eAuto an eine innogy Ladesäule an

When traffic is gridlocked, the management presents directly from the car by phone and only hangs up when they enter the meeting room and then simply continues. This is how I experienced CHIARI and the situation is telling. Our collaboration was characterized by personal commitment, a lively exchange and a high level of expertise. Thanks to a long-term partnership, the know-how about the product world was outstanding and exemplary for our internal employees.

Sandra Niermann
Formerly Head of Marketing eMobility, innogy SE
today Head of Brand and Media Planning, E.ON Vertrieb Deutschland GmbH

What sets us apart:

Icon Erfahrung Ladesäule mit 5 Sternen

12 years of experience in electromobility

Icon International Weltkugel mit Standorte Pins

National and international reference customers

Icon Markenentwicklung Megafon

From brand development
to sales communication

Icon Technikaffinität Gehirn mit Schaltkreise

Team with great affinity for technology and high identification with topics

Mann und Kind toben am Frühstückstisch, während draußen das Auto lädt.

In CHIARI, we have found the strategic agency partner that will provide us with optimal support in the realignment of our brand, right through to the transfer of our brand values into branding and communications, with a broad range of services and in-depth expertise."

Michael Peukert
Vice President Products & Markets, Compleo Charging Solutions AG

For whom we have already had the pleasure of successfully putting electromobility on the road:

Auf dem Boden sind Fahrzeugspuren die ein Herz formen, daneben steht eine Ladesäule von RWE

There is no long discussion around the project, but very pragmatically tackled and implemented quickly and qualitatively with a lot of fun. That's how I got to know and appreciate CHIARI.

Dr. Stephan Hell
Formerly Product Management and Innovation E-Mobility, RWE Effizienz GmbH
today Director Product and Project Management Charging Infrastructure, KOSTAL Group

Show what's behind it.

Join us in communication on the topic of electromobility. Together, we can successfully get your products or services on the road.
You can see an excerpt of selected projects here:

Compleo Charging Solutions
Positioning, brand and corporate design

Compleo Charging Solutions
Technology and product films

innogy eMobility Solutions
Product launch "The new eBox generation"

Positioning, corporate design and communication

Exhibition concept

Final Report "We connect Europe"

"Three-quarters of new cars in Europe will be electric by 2030."

The latest McKinsey study contains a lot of interesting facts about the development of mobility in the coming years. And because knowledge doubles with sharing, you can download the study here.

Fahrendes BMW eAuto mit allego Folierung

During the German launch of our brand as well as the homogenization of our brand image, the CHIARI team was a valuable constant.

Martin Heine
Senior Sales & Contract Manager, Allego GmbH

Came to stay

There are trends that come and go. And there are developments that come to stay. One of these is the mobility turnaround, which has much more to do with changing the way we park in our heads than with the actual way we get around.
CHIARI has been helping to shape this new normal of mobility for more than 12 years. Our society needs new technologies to live the life of our choice. And these technologies should function in such a way that they allow life on Earth for a long time to come. Electromobility is one such technology that brings us from yesterday into today. This is where brands are created that make us strong for the future.

Illustration eines eAutos an einer Ladesäule. Um den Parkplatz sieht man Natur und Windräder

Tomorrow is already today: with experienced partners and the right brand and communication strategy, your brand will find its place in the growth economy of electromobility. Get in touch with us now.

Creation that is fun, paired with a high level of reliability that brings joy to every project. For me, CHIARI is the creative partner with whom we at Allego were able to successfully realize the two European infrastructure projects fast-E and ultra-E with great aplomb and a wealth of ideas.

Diana Pilz-Niewerth
ehem. Marketing Manager DACH, Allego GmbH

Personen betrachten eine Ausstellung. An einer Kordel hängt Papier mit dem Aufdruck WE CONNECT EUROPE
Portrait von Inhaber und Geschäftsführer Thomas M. Chiari und Chief Creative Officer Ines Arntz

Next stop: New territory

When breaking new ground, it's good to have an experienced partner at your side. The best way to find out whether we are the right partner for you is to have an initial discussion with us.

Book a 30-minute Chemistry Call now to get to know us without obligation.

Do you want to go straight into medias res? Then challenge us and our expertise in a 2-hour workshop. Together we will define how we can get your requirements onto the road with drive.

You want to see more information, references and people from CHIARI in advance?