Ruhr University Bochum

Claim launch campaign

For eternity - because nothing is 
as constant as change.

With the newly developed claim “Built to Change”, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB for short) is continuing on its determined path towards brand development.

In the introductory campaign we developed, we cast the newly developed attitude claim in concrete.
The RUB’s mission statement thus follows its very own architectural DNA and complements the tangible space with tangible content.
On the one hand, “Built to Change” describes the path we have traveled.
But more importantly, it outlines the path that lies ahead.

Casting something in concrete colloquially stands for something immovable and that is exactly what our approach is.
The material is highly flexible and malleable.
Once the form has been decided, it outlasts every trend, every current.
The form of the stance outlasts the weather, becomes part of the landscape and an anchor of university society.
The stance withstands the future by actively shaping it.
As a landmark, it marks the RUB’s fields of action and provides information about its origins, purpose and aspirations.
“Built to Change” is not a fashionable appearance with an expiry date, but the focal point of all those who live change and are thus fit for the present and future.

Concrete that moves

The introduction of the claim is accompanied by multimedia and thus finds its permanent place in university communication.
The video material focuses on the five areas of expertise at Ruhr-Universität Bochum: internationalization, sustainability, digitalization, interdisciplinarity and talent development.

The Wandelversum of the RUB - the landing page.

The landing page is the content revelation of the campaign as well as a portrait of the attitude. On the landing page, the claim is not only resolved, but above all filled with life. This is where we show stories of makers and things done, showcase CVs and become the hub for other digital assets used in social media platforms and overarching websites.

As colorful as life itself.

In a consolidated communication phase, the new 
Claim introduced campus-wide.
