Compleo Charging Solutions

Product launch "eTower 200"

The power to move

Movement encompasses the entire spectrum of motor skills that are innate to humans and that enable us to explore and shape our environment.

The most important motor skills include agility, strength, coordination, speed and endurance. As the guiding principle for the product launch of the first High Power Charging (HPC) generation of our customer Compleo Charging Solutions, we wanted to make the brand claim “The power to move” tangible.

It all started with the development of the product name. With “eTower”, we have conceived a name that refers to the product design on the one hand and prepares the future naming ecosystem on the other.

Over-aestheticization as a stylistic device.

The product body of the new “eTower” has to meet many requirements. Urban architectural requirements, technical necessities, barrier-free usability. Our aim is to make all these components a matter of course, because we believe that function is the lowest common denominator. In our apron communication, we focus on product aesthetics, which do without any performance features at all, but instead feature a lot of material, surface texture and details.

Ideal applications.

The product characteristics of the “eTower” make it ideal for use in supermarkets and charging parks. For the product launch, all the visual material was first created in our heads and then brought to life by our team of 3D artists.

Welcome to the family.

The function and application of the "eTower" fits perfectly into Compleo's existing products and services, making it a visual component of the product family.

Focused on the essentials.

The key features of the "eTower" were presented aesthetically in the same way as the product visualizations. The animations set the tone for the launch communication and also become an integral part of the ongoing product communication.

See the big picture.

What began as an initial idea for motor skills became a reality in the launch film. Five motor skills transferred to the core features of the eTower in combination with overarching information, presented by Jörg Lohr, CEO of Compleo.