After repositioning the brand, Botament was faced with the challenge of adapting the new corporate design to the diverse product range at .
The aim was to make the new claim “With confidence” tangible through the newly developed packaging design and to make Botament products easy to find and understand on the high shelf.
Our craft
Development of a new packaging design that meets the needs of various international target groups, ranging from professional tradesmen and retailers, architects and planners to private and public building owners.
Icon design
The new icon system makes it possible to display as many information elements as possible in a language-neutral way.
Our formula for success
The new packaging design will be implemented for all products and will ensure internationally consistent brand perception in the trade and on the construction site. In order for this to succeed, it was necessary to proceed very systematically during the design development right from the start and to develop a set of formulas for all elements. We love mathematics!